let the lightning touch you ⚡


let the lightning touch you

The light of #LightingNetwork has touched the community, and for us it's huge. The first satoshis have arrived. For the first time in Ecuador (as far as I know) a support fund is made through lightning. It's great to be able to interconnect two communities that are so different but so human.

Lightning has arrived to Píntag Amaru, the history of this community is changing forever thanks to your support.

Lightning is the possibility of shortening distances, it is for the communities and common citizens of the world. It is to interconnect us in the network. It is a new form of protest. A revolution that is just beginning. It can be a way of equality to break down barriers of all kinds. 

Personally I don't know why life gave me this task at the moment, but really the more I discover it the more passionate I get about Lightning Network.

If you feel our cause is of value I leave you our community lightning QR below. 

If you want to visit us just let me know.

We are waiting for you at Píntag

Mauricio                                                        ⚡



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