Our lightning community proposal to the world


I am writing to you from a place where rural and indigenous communities have been discriminated against and often made invisible by the governments in power and the usual politicians. This generates a greater social gap, which in many cases becomes extreme poverty. I think this applies to many countries and not only in Latin America.

I had noticed that if someone plants a potato (this is an example) and sells it for 1 dollar, probably the final consumer in the supermarket will pay up to 4 or 5 times that value. Most of the profits stay in the hands of speculators and intermediaries, generating much higher retail costs and a trade that is not at all fair to the producer.

If we add the difficulties to obtain a bank credit for producers and farmers we have a perfect Molotov cocktail in generating poverty.

We discovered that with lightning we can avoid massive intermediation, and pay better prices to the producer without greatly affecting the buyer's pocket. 

The second layer of Bitcoin allows very fast transactions at really low rates, we have tested with transactions from 0.50 cents on the dollar having very good results.

That is why we open this proposal from our heart to the world. We know that there are many bitcoiners in the world and few places where you can transit freely with your satoshis, so that's when we have a shared opportunity for a fair relationship.

We want to integrate with the bitcoiner community in the world, tell them that these farming families believe in Satoshi's project but we also want to educate ourselves, we are sure that education is our best weapon to get out of poverty and marginalization. Today it is very easy, you can visit us in our community, you can buy our products, really your help can change our lives, and probably yours. 

These are our products, we will be presenting them individually in future entries of this blog.

Tourism of community experiences

Basket of 100% organic products

Handicrafts online store

See you soon!



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